Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Need Your Help!

If you are a resident of OOB (or live in the area) please take the time to call (207)200-4654 and leave a message stating your favorite OOB restaurant, a memory associated with it, and what it means to you to have restaurants stay open during the offseason. These calls will help me expand this blog. Every call is greatly appreciated & thank you in advance!

A Walk Down Old Orchard Street

This video will take you down Old Orchard Street in on a Sunday afternoon at the end of March. While some seasonal venues are just opening, others are still locked up. Watch the video to see downtown Old Orchard prepare for the upcoming season!

A Walk Down Old Orchard Street from Leah Kaliher on Vimeo.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Restaurants in the Offseason

I took some pictures throughout town on the first weekend in April, when some restaurants that had been closed for the winter were beginning to open up, like Bill's Pizza and Pier Fries. Still, there were many places that were still shutdown. This slideshow is a collection of pictures of both the opened and closed restaurants.